2 comments on “Before Tranquility Bay

  1. This is very touching, you captured the dysfunction in your family so well. At TB it seemed most of the kids were from very dysfunctional, borderline abusive homes. There were kids who had been sexually and physically abused by one or more parent. There was someone I’ll never forgot who’s father injected with drugs from an early age and then prostituted her. It seems crazy to me that these kids who had already endured the worst suffering should have to suffer more in the dark alleyways and cubicles we called TB. I guess it makes some sense, though. As a mother I know it would be impossible to turn my child over to a relative I didn’t completely know and trust, much less strangers hundreds of miles away in the back lands of Jamaica. These parents, mostly baby boomers with severe un- diagnosed mental illnesses, shipped their kids off and usually felt “relieved” afterwards. In my opinion, only someone with very little conscience and more concern for their own personal comfort than the true welfare of their child would do something like this. It’s so sad that there are still places like this existing now, housing thousands of American teens and slowly rearing the next generation of Borderline, psychotic, depressed, suicidal, delinquent people. =_(

  2. i liked this so much because of the honesty and openness you displayed both in the act and during the telling of your story here. I think, too often as survivors we glass over our “before” stories, maybe because we are eager to our “during” stories, maybe because we feel we would be stigmatized for them, or maybe due to our agendas…but the point you made was very salient. We WERE children and no child EVER deserves to be treated like that, for any reason, regardless of their behavior. No adult, either, for that matter. Human beings should be treated with dignity and respect, and human rights should NEVER be violated. I think you’ve inspired me to write my “before” story. I know I personally, as a writer, find “you’ve inspired me to write” to be the highest praise, and that is the spirit in which i say that. Great stuff!

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